When you rent a storage unit, you can save yourself time, money, and energy by taking steps to organize and use it as efficiently as possible. Don't simply rent a unit and push everything into it and shut the door – not only is this an inefficient use of the space, it can be an injury hazard. Instead, have a plan for your space before you sign your lease. If you are not sure about the best way to use your space, talk to one of the staff members at Sam's Storage. Our team is here to work with tenants and prospective tenants to store their items safely while saving money.
Draw a diagram of the interior of your unit and where each box is located. On the diagram, label each box so you know exactly where your items are when you need to retrieve them. This way, you can just take each item directly from its box instead of digging through all the boxes to find it.
As you tape your boxes shut, label each clearly in permanent marker. This will act as an aid to your diagram and help you locate your items faster.
Put heavier boxes and items on the floor and stack lighter boxes and items on top of them, gradually adding lighter and lighter boxes until you reach the ceiling. This way, the heaviest items support the lightest items, so you are not at risk of crushing delicate items or being injured if a heavy box falls from the top of the pyramid. Also think about the shape of a pyramid: a wide base supports a gradually narrowing tip. Use this model to create a safe stack of boxes in your storage unit.
Although you don't need a ton of room to move around in the unit, you should be able to move through it easily and safely. Create a path for yourself that allows you to turn around and move while carrying large or awkward objects. If you have items stacked high or on shelving along the walls, keep a step stool in the unit. Do not climb on items or boxes to reach these higher up items, even if they appear to be secure. A step stool has non-skid covering on its legs to keep it in place during use.
If you need a clean, secure place to keep your valuable possessions in Fredericton, NB, consider renting a storage unit at Sam's Storage. Call or visit our facility today to speak with a member of our friendly, knowledgeable staff. We can answer any questions you have about our services and facility as well as any general questions about storage.